Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand): Benefits and Step-by-Step Guide
Benefits and Step-by-Step Guide (destop view).jpg)
Table of Contents
Introduction to Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)
Everyone has heard about peace of mind, stability, and strength, and I am 100% sure that every one of us wants peace and stability in life. In today’s modern world, we want everything to be achieved very quickly, but if we want something good, we have to be consistent and dedicated; only then can we achieve it. So, this article is for you. Let us understand how we can achieve it.
Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand) – A Test of Strength
Seeing people doing Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand) asana, one wonders how anyone can do it. It is very difficult to stabilize your whole-body weight on your hands. What if I get injured in my head or neck? What if I fall down? The answer to all these questions is just one word: "PRACTICE." You would have heard the proverb, "Practice makes a man perfect." Always go beyond your comfort zone. Push your limits a bit every day.
Benefits of Practice
Handstand is an inverted asana or anti-gravitational asana. At first, it’s difficult, but once you know the technique of the asana, it will become your favorite. All we need to work on is strength, flexibility, and technique. Read through the last word of the article to know more about the asana. Let’s explore the world in a new way in an upright position.
How to Do Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)

- Step 1: Start with downward-facing dog asana (Adho Mukh Svanasana), one or two feet away from the wall.
- Step 2: Keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder distance. Lift your hips above you.
- Step 3: Keep your legs and feet engaged and squeeze your thighs together.
- Step 4: Kick one of your legs upright and then the other, and try to align your body in an erect position.
- Step 5: For beginners, after step 4, take the right leg and place it on the wall, and then the other leg, placing it on the wall.
- Step 6: Now your body is at a 90-degree angle with the ground.
- Step 7: Slowly and steadily, move towards the wall in such a way that you use the wall's support to balance your body.
- Step 8: Once you are able to balance your body, try this asana without the support of the wall.
Benefits of Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)
- -Helps in relieving tension from shoulders, hips, arms, and thighs.
- -Helps in maintaining a good posture, balance, and stability.
- -Improves blood flow.
- -Strengthens core muscles.
- -Improves the strength of the upper body.
- -Boosts energy and mood.
Population who can perform Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)
Any population can perform this asana except pregnant women and individuals with serious back issues or neck injuries.
Contradictions/Precautions before Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)
- -People with shoulder, back, or neck issues should not perform this asana.
- -Persons suffering from high or low blood pressure or heart conditions.
- -Individuals with glaucoma.
- -Pregnant or menstruating individuals should avoid this asana.
Warm-up Poses before doing Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)
- -Stretching (legs, arms, and hips)
- -Virbhadra Pose III
- -Downward-Facing Dog
- -Chair Pose
Counter Poses of Adho Mukh Vrksasana (Handstand)
- -Child Pose
- -Paschimottanasana
- -Shavasana
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